A compassionate, proactive and holistic
approach to help you navigate through life's challenges
With Penny Mitchell
Accredited Psychotherapist BSc PGDipPsych MA mBACP mBPS
Registered Nutritionist BSc DipNut mANP mBANT
100% of clients would recommend Mitchell Private Therapy to
a friend, family member or colleague
* Based upon the MPT 2023 Client Survey

More Client Reviews
Sam K., London (Age 28)
"Penny is kind, compassionate and non-judgemental, but she's also straight-talking and honest. I was anxious before starting therapy, worried I'd be uncomfortable or wouldn't have anything to say, but she put me at ease. She takes the time to listen and understand, but has also provided me with some really helpful tools, techniques and guidance when I've needed it."
Ella, M., Surrey (Age 40)
"Penny has been lovely to work with. I've recently changed therapists after moving to Surrey and at first I was at a loss, but through a friend's recommendation I found Penny. From day one she was extremely helpful and understanding and was there to help. Her approach helped me pick up where I left off, without feeling like I had to start all over again."
P.L., Surrey (Age 43)
"I valued our sessions more than any other time I spent with a therapist, and have personally recommended Penny to many people since having our sessions. It was so enlightening to have someone to talk to that gave me actual advice and actual recommendations, and an ACTUAL opinion, with honest and genuine feedback that helped me immeasurably."
Pippa S. (Age 24)
"Penny is a thoughtful and compassionate therapist who I would recommend to everyone. Penny listens carefully and communicates clearly, providing tailored and timely support which has been so helpful to me. Importantly, I have always felt comfortable speaking to Penny about whatever is on my mind. Also, Penny is very organised, helpful and responsive to emails which has made it easy to arrange our sessions together."
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